May 08, 2020 2:41:39 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 
CROWDSTRIKE testimony re: DNC & Russia [hack]? >no direct evidence? >manipulation of source? >comp-to-comp [transfer] speed [hack]? >internal DL [terminal 1] speed? >hand-to-hand transfer? >WL publish v SR 187? >MS13 [2] 187 geo-location? >MS13 [2] 187 date? >MS13 [2] case summary notes? Interning for the [DNC] can be deadly. [ALL WITNESS REPORTS NON_EVIDENCE RUSSIA_POTUS CONNECT] [DOSSIER PRIMARY VEHICLE FISA_SC_IMPEACH] [DOSSIER DISCREDIT PRIOR-TO [KNOWN]] [NO NAME ASSIST [SENATOR STAMP_credible] _ FBI FLOOR 7 _ DNI _ POTUS PDB] [FBI Floor 7][DNI][CIA][DNC][WH] primary [bulk] [FBI Floor 7] [DNC][HRC4Pres][DNI][CIA][WH] _FISA 4 [upstream collection primary target POTUS cross 1-9] _FISA 1 [upstream collection primary target C cross 1-3] [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_LL][BC] coord tarmac [unofficial]_HRC(e)discuss][exchange SC][security detail planning-coord DOJ_LL + BC] [DOJ_LL] instruct [Comey] PR1 [drop all charges [MSM]] [DOJ_LL] instruct language re report HRC [C] “careless” [FBI Floor 7] deep-cover operatives crosswalk CIA>FBI [PS] [FBI Floor 7] assist [CIA] domestic spy_avoid [CIA] non_USA charter [FBI Floor 7] assist [CIA] pull_down umbrella spy FVEY [unofficial] FVEY UK-AUS reverify AUTH_WH [unusual req special instruction] [FBI Floor 7] [UK assist] Steele > B_Ohr > N_Ohr > FusionGPS [shell 2] [FBI Floor 7] [CIA] spy_insert 1-3 [AUS assist] POTUS_campaign [FBI Floor 7] James Baker – Perkins Coie [shell 2] [FBI Floor 7] insurance 1-4 [FISA targets 1-4] [FBI Floor 7] WH_POTUS “non_target” [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_RR] wear_wire assist ‘entrap to force’ [Fail move 2] [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ] push Sessions recuse [FBI Floor 7] > ‘in_the_park’ discuss [MUELLER] POTUS FBI[2] [regain control] [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_RR] appoint_[MUELLER]_SC [DOJ_RR][#2][CLAS 1-99] scope_memo target FISA 1-4 [initiate immediate gag order][force comply v POTUS] [DOJ_RR] [AF1_POTUS] [Background][SOROS-HUSSEIN-HRC][MSM+SOCIALM][HOLLYWOOD] propaganda push_coord establish 1-7 movement(s) ANTIFA silence-stop endorse_POTUS(pro). Q

By Todd Pole

EXODUS 8:4 - The frogs will come up on you and your people and all your official's

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